Watch & Talk , an artistic residency at the festival

The Watch & Talk residency aims to create the conditions for genuine stimulation. Young artists are invited to immerse themselves in all the works presented at the festival, to have a dynamic period of research, enriched by exchanges and with no production constraints. Accompanied for eleven days by a specialist in the performing arts, the participants engage in constructive criticism, discussing and developing ideas that resonate with the programme.

Watch & Talk is being developed in collaboration with the following four Swiss festivals: La Bâtie-Festival in Geneva, Belluard Bollwerk in Fribourg, Theaterfestival Basel and Zürcher Theater Spektakel. Watch & Talk is supported by Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council.

  • @Arya Dil, far° Nyon 2023
  • @Arya Dil, far° Nyon 2023


Alina Arshi, Elvio Avila, Plume Ducret, Doua Fatfat, Ébana Garín Coronel, Tejus Menon
accompaniment : Silja Gruner


Louise Bentkowski, Davide Brancato, Mbaye (Ndomboal) Diop, Simrat Dugal, Camilla Parini, Sergio Rojas Chaves
accompaniment : Nadine Vollmer


Elena Boillat, Delia Krayenbühl, Francesca Sproccati, Ralph Tharayil,
Pierre-Angelo Zavaglia
accompaniment: Maëva Lamolière


Yvan Alvarez, Guillaumarc Froidevaux, Eva Galtier, Laetitia Pascalin,
Maira Wiener
accompaniment : Nina Kennel


Arthur Eskenasi, Virginie Janelas, Ainhoa Hernandez Escudero, Mila Pavicevic,
Laura Ramirez Ashbaugh, Marion Zurbach
accompaniment : Amilcar Packer


Maxime Arnould, Elke Huybrechts, Flora Kountouriotis, Calixto Neto,
Marion Thomas
accompaniment : Myrto Katsiki


Ann De Keersmaecker, Alex Iwanov, Maïté Jeannolin, Emmilou Rössling,
Trân Tran, Raphaël Vuilleumier
accompaniment : Joachim Hamou


Martin Conod, Kaisha Essiane, Nina Kennel, Robin Lescouët, Léa Meier
accompaniment : Sandra Noeth


Sarah Blumenfeld, Elie Grappe, Charlotte Nagel, Lugh O’Neil, Stéphanie Rosianu,
Cécile Tonizzo
accompaniment : Éric Vautrin


Vanessa Gerotto, Loan Nguyen, Flavio Ribeiro, Pauline Simon, Elise Simonet
accompaniment : Lou Forster


Julie Gouju, Yasmine Hugonnet, Leonardo Kovacevic, Barbara Roland,
Céline Zufferey
accompaniment : Bojana Bauer


Giacomo Bogani, Laetitia Dosch, Andrea Falcone, Giordano Rush,
Vincent Thomasset, Philippe Wicht
accompaniment : Franz Anton Cramer


Chloé Démétriadès, Lina Hengten, Gaëlle Hippoloyte, Anne Lenglet, Joël Maillard
accompaniment : Yvane Chapuis, Veronica Tracchia