Cohabitations Multiples

Pascale de Senarclens, Rachel Bolle, AMIC Association CH
  • Mo 12 → Sa 17.08.24
  • Free
  • Tout âge
  • Gratuit
Location and other practical information

La Roulotte, Route de St-Cergue 1, Nyon

La Roulotte opening hours (may vary)
Mo – Fr : 7h – 22h
Sa : 9h – 22h
Su : 14h – 21h

Opening of the installation Mo 12.08 at 18:00

For further information, please contact Pascale de Senarclens at 076 421 40 98.

Every year, far° showcases its activities in Nyon and the surrounding region, while forging close partnerships. At this 40th festival, you will have the opportunity to discover two projects in the town of Nyon that we are keen to promote.

Cohabitations Multiples is a cultural participation project that examines the ways in which we live together as human beings and with living things, using a number of stations in the Greater Geneva area as a testing ground. For this event, the team stopped off at La Roulotte, behind Nyon station, for an invitation to experiment with a first ephemeral architectural installation: the AbriSon. Cohabitations Multiples is the story of a place, artists, craftspeople, intercultural mediators, young migrants, hazelnut trees, earth, a caravan, cakes, syrup, farmers, hay, and stations coming together. It is a call to question our ways of living together beyond stereotypes, a quest to build new shared worlds.

  • @Patris Sallaku

concept Rachel Bolle, Pascale de Senarclens project carried out in partnership with Nathan Willerval, Lucie Damont, Patris Sallaku, Elodie Simon, Elsa Cauderay, Laure Gabus, Selam Tesfu Michael, les participant·es de l’association AMIC acknowledgements La Roulotte team and to the institutions that supported the project Fonds métropolitain culturel du Grand Genève, Affaires culturelles du Canton de Vaud, Les services de la Cohésion sociale et de la Culture de la Ville de Nyon, la Loterie romande, Fondation Equileo