Workshop EN VOL with Maëva Longvert

Maëva Longvert FR
  • Sa 10.08.24 11h
  • Duration 2h
  • Free
  • Multigenerational workshop
  • From age 4
  • Relax
  • Gratuit
Location and other practical information

Esplanade des Marronniers, Nyon

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

This proposal is part of the Family, Relax and Festive routes.

Through her huge birds, fabulous and fearsome crows, artist Maëva Longvert questions the territory, the public space and our relationship with narration. Her installations combine real and fictional stories. They celebrate and bring to life our stories of flight, like those of our sisters, mothers and grandmothers. Maëva Longvert is organising a workshop at the Esplanade des Marronniers, where you can make a bird together. Anyone who wants to can also share their stories of flight with Maëva Longvert, so that she can use them as inspiration for her artistic creations.

  • @Massimo Berthomme