DOWN (full album)

Mélissa Guex CH
  • Fr 16.08.24 21h15
  • Sa 17.08.24 21h15
  • Duration 50'
  • In situ re-creation
  • From age 10
Location and other practical information

Cour des Marchandises, Nyon
Meet at the far° ticket office.

This proposal is part of the Stopping off together route.

  • Accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite
  • English speaker friendly
  • Peu ou pas de paroles
Short 5’ walk to the venue. No toilets on site.
Smoke in some scenes.

DOWN (Full album) showcases the cosmic encounter between two preachers of improvisation and rhythm, dancer Mélissa Guex and drummer Clément Grin. Together, they lift hearts, sharing an explosive, generous, and extraordinary performance, somewhere between a rave and a punk concert. If down is the first word to describe a descent after ecstasy, this brightly coloured duo in party costumes offer a radical response to the sensation of the body letting go, beating the drum to rediscover joy in a collective burst.

  • ©Daniel Roelli
  • ©Zackary Braganca

concept, direction, and performance Mélissa Guex in collaboration with the artistic team musical creation and performance Clément Grin stage direction and dramaturgy assistant Bast Hippocrate sound diffusion Charlotte Vuissoz set and costume design Lucie Meyer lighting design Justine Bouillet artistic advisor Julie Botet administration and distribution Amandine Bula production Cie Sumo coproduction Théatre Vidy – Lausanne, Pavillon ADC Genève pre-purchases far° Nyon, FIT Festival Lugano, Festival Antigel, Geneva, Schlachthaus Theater Bern, Usine à Gaz Nyon support City of Lausanne, Canton of Vaud, Loterie Romande, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes, RESO

 A co-production within the framework of the RESO – Réseau Danse Suisse programmers’ fund, supported by Pro Helvetia – Swiss arts Council, and the cantons.

 Creation supported by Pavillon ADC (ac)compagnons programme with the help of Fondation Leenaards.
