Let's Dance

Collectif du Feu de dieu CH
  • Sa 10.08.24 19h
  • Su 11.08.24 11h 17h
  • Duration 1h
  • In situ re-creation
  • From age 7
Location and other practical information

Cour des Marchandises, Nyon
Meet at the far° ticket office.

This proposal is part of the Family and Festive routes.

Headphones to be worn during the performance, movement and alternating walking and dancing can be physically intense.

Based on the personal experience that a dancing body provokes a state of intense joy and jubilation, the du feu de dieu collective has imagined an immersive, participatory, and playful performance to mark the 40th anniversary of far°. Let’s Dance is an itinerant show, guided by two mad choreographers who will take you on a dancing stroll through Nyon’s town centre. Along the way, you will dance simple choreographed pieces to a euphoric playlist, create lively tableaux, feel powerful emotions, and above all… learn to let go!

“All dance induces a modified state of consciousness, a kind of trance. It transforms us because it invigorates us. It’s not for nothing that the Greeks called ‘enthusiasm’ – which means having God inside you – the trance that dance can put you in.”
_Collectif du Feu de dieu

  • ©Magali Dougados
  • ©Magali Dougados
  • ©Magali Dougados

concept, choreography and dance Violeta Hodgers and Ambre Pini production far° Nyon
