Sacs à murmures / Die Flüstertüten

Yasmine Hugonnet CH
  • Fr 16.08.24 15h
  • Sa 17.08.24 15h
  • Su 18.08.24 15h
  • Duration 45'
  • From age 6
Location and other practical information

Salle de la Colombière, Rue de la Colombière 18, Nyon

Sat 17.08 from 11:00 to 13:00. Yasmine Hugonnet will be running a ventriloquism workshop in conjunction with the show Sacs à murmures, for the programme Un été sous les Marronniers, organised in partnership with the City of Nyon.

This proposal is part of the Family route.

  • Accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite
  • Peu ou pas de paroles
For people with reduced mobility, please register before the show to obtain special assistance (1 step of 12 cm).

Around and between the fragments of a mysterious cave/magical jaw made of rock, or perhaps bone, three characters play at discovering the world. But each time they speak, their voices resound where we least expect them: in another body, or in a hand… or in a foot! Sacs à murmures (The Whisper Bags) is all about playful, joyful learning, testing the limits of others and getting to know oneself. But it is also about language, and in particular the language of ventriloquism, a superpower that opens up a hitherto unknown world.

  • ©Anne-Laure Lechat

choreography, text, and design Yasmine Hugonnet with Jenna Hendry, Simon Ramseier, Nina Richard artistic collaboration and musical composition Michael Nick set and costume design Nadia Lauro project and outreach assistant Anaïs Kauer ventriloquism training Yasmine Hugonnet technical direction and stage management Sonya Trolliet lighting design Dominique Dardant sound management Patrick Gross costume design Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne administration/production Olga Benne distribution/production Jérôme Pique photos Anne-Laure Lechat production Arts Mouvementés coproduction Théâtre Vidy – Lausanne, Steps – Festival de danse of the Migros Culture Percentage, T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National support Loterie Romande, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Corodi

The Arts Mouvementés company has a renewed joint agreement with the Canton of Vaud and the City of Lausanne (2023-2026).
