Une Leçon de Ténèbres / Lecture - performance

Betty Tchomanga FR
  • Fr 09.08.24 19h
  • From age 12
  • Duration 1h20 (total duration of the diptych)
  • Swiss premiere
Location and other practical information

Salle Communale, Rue des Marchandises 4, Nyon

Une Leçon de Ténèbres will be presented in a diptych with Entepfuhl by Alina Arshi. Duration of diptych 1h20 (including 15’ intermission).

This proposal is part of the Invigorating Cohabitation route.

In Une Leçon de Ténèbres, Betty Tchomanga creates a searing picture from a number of elements, the links between which are a joy to extract. She blends dance extracts, travel accounts, the spoken word, and archive footage to make visible the path that leads to the production of a powerful and committed decolonial work. Drawing part of her inspiration from Malcolm Ferdinand’s Decolonial Ecology, Tchomanga invites audiences to travel between the reflections of the Caribbean Doctor of Political Science and her own research into voodoo cults. Encouraging circulation, bringing together references, juxtaposing images, worlds, and beliefs from dominant and dominated cultures – this is the artist’s aim, and she tackles with panache the possibility of a “world ship”, where encounters, coexistence, and the design of a common future would be possible.

  • @George Kondylis
  • @George Kondylis
  • @George Kondylis

concept and performance Betty Tchomanga musical composition Mackenzy Bergile, Folly Romain Azaman, Stéphane Monteiro and Betty Tchomanga sound Stéphane Monteiro costumes Betty Tchomanga in collaboration with Marino Marchand (beadwork Love Aziakou, Jacqueline Houessinon) recorded voices Folly Romain Azaman and Fortuné Agossa production Aoza – Marion Cachan and Roxane Torche support Quartz scène nationale de Brest, MIRfestival Athens
