
Alina Arshi IN CH
  • Th 08.08.24 20h50
  • Fr 09.08.24 19h
  • Duration 20'
  • From age 8
Location and other practical information

Salle Communale, Rue des Marchandises 4, Nyon

On Fri 9.08, Entepfuhl will be presented in a diptych with Une Leçon de Ténèbres by Betty Tchomanga. Duration of diptych 1h20 (including 15’ intermission).

Thu 8.08 at 20:30, Cour des Marchandises : introduction to the show for those who wish to attend. You can then meet Alina Arshi at the same venue after the performance for a chat over a drink.

This proposal is part of the Transcending borders route.

High volume, earplugs available.

“Like the ouroboros, the mythical snake that bites its own tail, Alina Arshi engages her dance process through loops and ‘knots’ of intensity. Twisting her body in series of repetitive movements, echoing the percussive and progressive density of the soundtrack, she stages visceral, all-consuming choreography. Entepfuhl expresses a quest for identity and the feeling of never fitting in when living between different cultures”.
_Wren Cellier, Les Urbaines, 2023

  • @Gregory Batardon
  • @Gregory Batardon
  • @Gregory Batardon

concept, choreography and performance Alina Arshi production La Manufacture – Haute École des arts de la scène revival Les Urbaines, thanks to the Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain for the infrastructure and to the people who were important to the project Nicole Seiler, Jessica Allemann, Robinson Filomé Stark


The pink fabric at the top of the set installation is a hand-sewn quilt (kavand) by Lalitha, a Siddi from Karnataka. The Siddis are Afro-Indians who have settled in the Indian states of Karnataka, Gujarat, and Maharashtra over the last five centuries.
